
Email: #1 Winter Promo

Goal: Direct Offer

Send to: Warm Audience - America

Send from: Email Account A

Send date: 01/11/2023

SL: Your skin matters: shine, glow, radiate ☀️ - Now 10% off!

Alternative SL: 💰 10% off for a radiant skin? Only 7 days left!

Preview text: Dead skin. Flaky skin texture. Skin dryness. Hyperpigmentation and dark spots.


You won’t believe it %FIRSTNAME% but …

Dead skin. Flaky skin texture. Skin dryness. Hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

It happens to almost all of us!

The effects? Itching, red irritation, and a declining mood.

Not something that you wish upon yourself, your partner, your family, and your friends.

Definitely not ****during when Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year are around the corner …